::: Features

1. The Taiwan eBook Database is an open access resource for reading traditional Chinese ebook online.
2. No login and viewer download needed and designed for all devices.
3. Search:
(1) Simple search:full text keyword search
(2) Advanced search:search in specific index and can be combined by Boolean operators.
(3) Browse by Category:browse by various categories, e.g., “religion and philosophy”,”science and engineering”.
(4) Browse by Collection: browse two collections available currently -”1,000 Books by 100 People”and
“Government Publications”.
(5) Browse by Year:browse by publication year.
4. eBook format: PDF.
5. Viewing item:
(1) Click “Book cover image” or “view ebook”icon for viewing the item selected.
(2) There are 3 viewing modes available-single page, double page and full screen.